phone/text: 07510 518 375, email: .

Better Life Hypnotherapy

CONGRATULATIONS! You have already taken the first step to a better life.

About the practice

What is hypnotherapy?

There are many myths about hypnosis, but it is really nothing more than a focused state of awareness.

Guided into this state of deep relaxation by a hypnotherapist, you can receive positive suggestions. These suggestions to your subconscious mind can change your life for the better.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Your hypnotherapist is just a guide helping you to make the changes you want to make.


Better Life Hypnotherapy is a new hypnotherapy practice focused on helping you to make positive changes to your life using the power of your own subconscious mind.

Better Life hypnotherapy is simple, affordable and effective. Try it!

How I can help you

Let me help you with any of the following issues:

Hypnosis is not a miracle cure, and there are no guarantees, but I will do my very best to help you. Sometimes the power of your own mind is quite amazing!

What will it cost?

I currently charge £50 for a session of clinical hypnotherapy lasting up to an hour (it may take less than an hour). It is usual for a complete course of treatment to take several sessions (so please budget for this), but hypnotherapy can sometimes get amazingly quick results!

Past Life Regression

I am now able to offer Past Life Regression sessions under hypnosis. Whether you have a stubborn issue that doesn't seem to want to resolve any other way, or you just want to explore this fascinating area of experience, get in touch.

Past Life Regression sessions of up to two hours currently cost £120 per session. You will receive a recording of the session to keep for your later enjoyment. Why not treat yourself to an interesting experience, or else purchase as a gift for someone important in your life?

Parts Therapy

I am now also able to offer Parts Therapy sessions under hypnosis. This form of therapy, also known as Ego State therapy, is nothing to do with "multiple personalities", but is simply a way to work with the different parts that make up our integrated personalities.

Parts Therapy sessions of up to two hours currently cost £140 per session, and will consist of mapping out the different parts present, resolving any inner conflict, integration, and gaining wisdom from the parts most in contact with a higher power, whatever that means to you.

If this sounds like something you would like to explore, get in touch. It is an opportunity to get profound insights you might not be able to easily get another way and can be a powerful support for your spiritual life!

What is a Better Life Hypnotherapy session like?

After hypnotherapy, most clients report feeling refreshed and relaxed. It is rather like having a pleasant afternoon nap, or being read a nice bedtime story (not something we as adults often get to experience ourselves).

One of the great things about hypnotherapy, aside from deep relaxation, is the added bonus of having positive suggestions made to your subconscious mind that can make a real difference to your life.

Occasionally clients might have a strong emotional reaction to deep work, but I am fully trained to deal with this. I am a caring and responsible therapist!

Contact me

To find out more about how I can help you, send me a text message or leave a voicemail on 07510 518 375, or email me at .

I currently hold my face-to-face sessions at the Friends' Meeting House in Ship Street, Brighton.

I can offer online sessions by arrangement using Ask me about this!


Here's what some of my hypnotherapy clients said about our sessions together:

"I found my hypnotherapy sessions with Jason to be very helpful for both physical and psychological issues. His calm, steady presence and guidance enabled me to access deep states of relaxation and really complimented my personal meditation practise as well. His friendly, caring approach put me at ease, and I would definitely recommend his hypnotherapy to others." - D

"I really benefited from my hypnotherapy, which was specifically tailored by Jason for my stress and anxiety. I came away from each session much more calm and relaxed. Highly recommended!" - J

"Jason showed a sensitive approach to discovering the fear, and working with the fear. His voice was clear and calming and the pace was just right for slowing down the anxiety. Being brought back ... the panic subsided." - P

"I had sessions with Jason to treat an extreme fear, a recurring fear which led to a disabling level of panic. A few months ago I asked Jason if he could help to quell the fear. We had four sessions with deep meditations and guidance from a recording that he had made with various steps of acceptance to isolate the trigger from the fear. Although the discomfort hasn’t gone away completely, the tension is not nearly so severe and not only were the sessions very good, but the results have been very beneficial.” - T

"Jason's calm and kind approach put me at ease and I found the hypnotherapy sessions very relaxing. It was my first time so I didn't know how they would help but after four sessions I found that I was definitely less anxious in social situations which has been wonderful" - E


Would you like to get a flavour of the power of your own imagination? Visit my bandcamp page here for hypnotic recordings to listen to and download. Check back regularly because I plan to add more content here. Self-hypnosis can be a powerful way to relax - I use it myself! It works really well after exercise.

I used to program computers before I got more interested in reprogramming brains. More on this coming soon!

Hypnotherapy Society registrant logo Brighton Mind Body Spirit directory logo I am a Mental Health First Aider I am a gender-affirming therapist.